How to live a life worth living

If a person wants to live a life worth living, he must know why he or she is on the earth. Every human being must know the true purpose of his or her life. Some people choose to invent a purpose for their lives, but it is unwise to do so. A wise person will ask the Author of life about its meaning and purpose. The purpose of man’s life is already determined by God, and that purpose is absolutely good, pleasant and perfect for every human being (Rom 12:2). The Bible tells us about some religious people (Pharisees and experts in the law) who rejected God’s purpose for themselves (Luke 7:30). God is so good and kind and loving. His purpose is the best thing for humans, so we should never commit that awful error of rejecting the purpose of God for our lives. To reject God’s purpose, is to reject life, happiness, joy, peace, fulfillment, and to choose death, destruction, misery, sadness, anxiety, anguish, useless and destructive sufferings. 

The job of each person is not to invent the meaning or the purpose of his or her life, but to search and discover what is the meaning and purpose of his or her life according to God. Then a person must actively pursue it and closely cooperate with God in order that God’s purpose may be fulfilled. It is harmful and foolish to invent a purpose and pursue it only to end in destruction, misery and disappointment.

This is what the Bible reveals concerning the meaning and the purpose of our lives: “Yet for us there isone God, the Father, from whom arethe all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom arethe all things, and we exist through Him (1 Corinthians 8:6). God has said in His Word that His purpose will stand and He will accomplish all His good pleasure (Isaiah 46:10). God wants to accomplish His purpose for your life. God’s plan for your life is not only good, but it is the best thing that can ever happen to you.

Firstly, a human being must genuinely admit that he or she has sinned, and therefore, is continually failing to attain the glory of God, the approval of God (Romans 3:23). This is how and when the meaning and the purpose of life was lost; it is when we sinned and continued to sin.

Every person needs to be saved by God from his or her sins, and be restored by Him. This is done through a true repentance from all sins and a genuine faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Then as soon as possible, the person who accepted Christ as His Owner, Lord and Savior, must be baptized in His name (Acts 2:38).

God’s Word describes the fall of humans in the following way: “For even though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, or give thanks; but they became vain in their reasonings, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:21-22). The darkened mind of humans plunged them into all kinds of sinful and vain actions, through which they are dissipating, wasting away their own lives in useless and destructive things, whereas they have a very limited time to live on the earth. But by God’s great love and goodness the salvation from all sin and punishment is available to every human being through faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ. So when we speak about life, we need to know that the salvation form sin is the first step for every person.

Secondly, every person that has been saved, must begin to praise God and give thanks to Him continually for everything He has done for him or her, for this is the will of God for every person who has accepted Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Remember that the darkness of mind was caused by an ungrateful heart towards the Creator. But the person who continually praises and gives thanks to God for every good thing that he or she has received, is being enlightened continually, day by day.

Thirdly, after a person has been saved by accepting Jesus Christ, he must realize that he is a “workmanship” of God, created in Christ Jesus to do the works that God has already prepared for each person to do. The Bible declares: “For by grace you are saved, through faith, and this not of you, this gift of God; not of works, that no one may boast; for we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for the good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we may walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8-10). God, the Creator has prepared special good works for each of His children to do. He has given and will give special abilities to each one of them in order to fully equip them to accomplish the works that He prepared beforehand for them.

So every person must set aside his or her plans and be open to God; and ask Him sincerely through prayer, concerning what he or she should do. In diverse ways the living God will show him or her the works that He has prepared for him or her to do. By having a loving relationship with God, a person must start to serve God and people through the gifts and talents that has been given to him or to her by God. As surely as a person starts to do that, he or she will discover the life that is worth living.

Every disciple of Jesus must remember that the life that is worth living is the life lived with God, which also includes finding the perfect will of God and doing it with all of one’s heart.