Life with God
The true God who is the Creator of the universe is indescribably good and kind. Nobody is as good and kind and loving as the true God. He is so loving, caring, compassionate, merciful and patient. Every person must know that nobody in this universe loves him or her as God. No human being, neither a mother or a father or any other person is as interested in your well being and happiness as God.
God is also perfectly just, honest and pure in everything He does. He is the righteous Judge of all the earth (Gn 18:25, Dt. 32:4). There is no favoritism or partiality in God. If you want to have a real relationship with the living God, it is very possible through Jesus Christ, but you must know that you need to throw away all lie, fraud, guile, cunningness, hypocrisy, pretense, duplicity, dishonesty and slyness. God sees every heart and knows everything about every person. There is no secret for God.
There has never been and will never be any person who can deceive God, and it is foolishness to try to do so. It is stupid to try to hide something from the One who loves you so much and wants to help you, and can really help you.
So every person who wants to live with God, who is love, must throw away from his or her life all pride, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). All the days of your life you can live under the river of God’s grace (His unmerited favor) and love, if you humble yourself, acknowledge continually that you are unworthy of such love and grace and honestly live for God’s glory. By faith in Christ you can access to God’s unmerited favor and goodness, and live a life with Him which is the happiest life in the universe. God will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).